Monday, June 15, 2009

heathrow terminal 5 perspective ...

i had some time to kill recently while sitting at heathrow terminal 5 - the british airways terminal. it's got some great trusses, angles, structures, repeating architecture and of course with a ton of time on my hands and nothing better to do than to capture some of it. post processing consisted of color correction first, b&w conversion, contrast, and brightening.

chicago part 2 ...

a few extra shots from chicago trip, ferris wheel almost looks photoshopped - i think if i test a few different crops on that picture it might be more interesting. post processed the trees to oversaturate, brightening up the greens as much as possible. and two perspectives on the last shot, i can't decide which i like better the color or b&w version...

Friday, June 12, 2009

chicago part 1 ...

it's been quite a busy last month and change. i've spent a lot of time in an airplane, can't say i've been anywhere that exciting, normal jaunts to la, chicago, nyc and the like, that and the small hop through london to get to bahrain in a weekend. lots of pictures though during this time, just haven't had time to process and post them up as well as write about them. this is of course on top of work and photog-clients. here's a start from the chicago trip, this is a 3-frame rough stitch of the chicago skyline. post processing included color correction, saturation, contrast bump, warming polarizer. click for the full-large version which is 11,000+ pixels wide (and 20mb).