ordered up the shrimp eggrolls, a shrimp crepe, and bun bo (almost dry noodle soup). food was fantastic! eggrolls were piping hot and delicious.

crepe was crispy and tasty although my mother would probably say they were not exactly flavorful therefore not authentic.

and the bun bo, well i was disappointed when they brought the bowl out, because in my younger years when my mother or grandmother made this dish, it always came out with this deep caramel golden/reddish brown color. this serving was pale, stark, grey-ish. aesthetics aside, it was absolutely delicious!!!

well, after lunch, i headed down to westminster to see my grandparents and cousins, of course to eat! this time it was at brodard restaurant. i ordered the usual vietnamese fare of: eggrolls, summer rolls:

a bowl of meatball (nem nuong) noodles:

as well as munching off many orders on the table of nem nuong spring rolls, which were absolutely delicious:

all in all, i pretty much spent the day eating, it was quite delicious and i would love to return back to both locations ...
you're an absolute pig. i thought you were going to post pix of g-parents?
Hey Lan's cousin, I guess you were the one in search of brown rice paper that she asked me about? Did you find it? Why is it brown and what does it taste like?
Viet Noodle Bar is too trendy for the likes of me, but I love Brodard. That sauce is lip-smacking!
WC -
There's nother Vietnamese Noodle Bar, down the street from the Glendale one, in SilverLake, both are nondescript store fronts, simple shared tables and absolutely delicious.
Yes, I found the rice paper, Lan and my aunt picked it up. When I get back to Boston, I'll open the box and take pictures for you.
The texture/taste is as if you took a couple sheets of rice paper and wet it together, except with a bit of sweetness to it.
be con.... duuuude. someone totes wrote chink to you. why do i find this so damn amusing?
beelan, I have no idea what a totes chick is nor what those characters mean, just because i'm asian doesn't mean i can read japanese!!!!
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