catching the sun, always catching the last rays of sun. setup camera on westbound side of the longfellow pointed at the zakim bridge just as the sun was setting ...
this was one of my most favorite photos of the weekend, it's a headlight off of a harley parked on the corner of arlington and newbury streets, sun was setting and caught bits of the chrome.
shot with d700 with f/2.8 70-200mm @ iso200, magical how well that sensor works with the fleeting light ...
while trekking around boston yesterday with the gear, amidst the komen walk, abortion rally and other random happenings around boston, quietly near the part street t-station was the weekly gathering of chinese americans protesting the communist regime and humanity issues ... this woman just stood there quietly for quite a while, had to snap a photo ...
decided late last week to get an additional body, ordered a d700 and thanks to adorama camera it literally was delivered the next day without overnight shipping. not much to say, hundreds of reviews out there ... i just need to say the shutter sound is just awesome and matted to my nikkor f/2.8 70-200, it's just perfect (aside from a bit heavy)
i've seen numerous videos on flickr etc and that are composites of multi-framed shots combined into a video. sure i can use a video camera or have bought a dslr with video capability, but frankly i'm not a huge fan and that seems - too straight forward/easy for my geeky-self?
went out in boston today, my first attempt at composite/elapse photography video, picked the corner of the copley plaza hotel pointing at boylston street and the boston library. this was 606 frames shot over a period of 30 mins at 3-second intervals.
all settings were maintained at iso200, f/12, with the d300 @ 18mm on a tripod. i shot in aperture mode, left the shutter speed to the camera as the light conditions slightly changed with passing clouds, etc
no post processing of the images themselves, they were sent into imovie to be combined at 1/10th of a second/frame, here's the result (original files were not re-sized, imovie imported them as-is 4300+ pixels each, quicktime movie file is much higher quality) ...
couple of lessons learned ... not touching the camera, I did a few times - be it with my foot touching the tripod, hand resting on the neck strap or whatever ... need to bring a stop-watch, was using my iphone that proceeded to get very hot ... going to try some night photography with this instead next time, but i'm content with my first pass results.
... it's all nikon pro-lenses and pro-sumer bodies. and it's all good. there's obviously a d300 (and d700) in the mix.
... as a side note, there's food entries on this blog. i eat, we all eat, and sometimes experiment in the kitchen, ergo the pictures of recipes i attempt.
... and if you'll notice, i've got a bit of a propensity for cars and things that go vroooom. vroom vroom. beep beep.
... i love hdr. it's just goodness. some say it's too time consuming, i absolutely love it.
... if you are in the boston area and looking for photography services to capture your children, wedding, or any special event, please visit chaupham photography