Monday, October 27, 2008

who doesn't love cheesy goodness ...

random post from recently. grilled cheese. perfect amount of cheese, bread, butter and a frying pan. who doesn't love grilled cheese?

f/3.2 @ 46mm, 1/50sec-exposure, iso800, 0/6ev


Anne-Michelle said...

Oh my goodness...there's nothing I like more than a grilled cheese sandwich. I can almost taste it just by looking at your photo! Thanks for making me hungry!

sarah j. gim said...

what kind of cheese? we just had one with brie, mushrooms, on walnut bread. it was good, but the beauty of grilled cheese is that even Kraft American on Wonder white tastes good too.

patrick c. said...

sarah - hrmmm, I believe it was deli-cut american, straight forward and simple with some sourdough.

what's walnut bread?

thanks for reading!

patrick c. said...

thanks anne-michelle for the comment!