Sunday, November 2, 2008

crispy potato galette ...

quite the simple recipe, can be used for breakfast, brunch, or dinner.

- 2 large yukon hold potatoes
- 1/2 cup light cream
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- salt & pepper

in a bake proof frying pan (or bake-ware you can skip the fry part), line the pan with one layer of the potatoes. sprinkle some salt, pepper and cheddar cheese. top with another layer of potatoes and repeat. complete with three layers. place on stove top and fry on medium heat for about 7-8 mins, this will set the galette. pour 1/3 cup light creme over top and add a bit more cheddar cheese. place into 375 oven for 15 mins.

f/2.8 @ 40mm, 1/80sec-exposure, iso800, 0/6ev


The Lunch Lady said...

This looks so good. I have a ton of potatoes, will try!

Anne-Michelle said...

That looks insanely good! How could it not be with potatoes AND cheese! Yum!